ludlow town council
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Shropshire Council
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Visit Shropshire Council - 0345 678 9000
Trained staff from Shropshire Council are on hand to offer helpful and friendly guidance at Ludlow Library.
Gallows Bank Ward
Ludlow Town Council invites applications for Co-option for Gallows Bank Ward.
Ludlow Town Council has 15 Councillors representing the 7 wards of the parish of Ludlow.
Full Council | Policy & Finance | Services | Representational |
Antiques Market
Local Produce Market
Hands Together Ludlow Poster Exhibition
New Exhibition Opening at Ludlow Assembly Rooms It was my great pleasure to open the Hands…
Services Committee, 8th Jan 24
The Services Committee will take place Wednesday 8th January, 7pm at the Guildhall The Services…
LAR Recieves Core Grant
Ludlow Town Council Awards Core Grant to Ludlow Assembly Rooms Ludlow Town Council is delighted to award…
Concerns for plans for Ludlow Hospital
Mayor of Ludlow concerned about plans for Ludlow Hospital Councillor Beverley Waite warns that Ludlow…
Your Council
Your most local and accessible tier of government.
Ludlow Market
Historic outdoor market in the heart of Ludlow town centre.
Ludlow Museum at the Buttercross
Ludlow Museum at the Buttercross SY8 1AW, worth a visit for tourists and locals a like.
Visit Ludlow
Throughout the year Ludlow hosts many diverse events in and around the town centre.