Remembrance Sunday & Armsitice Day
Ludlow Town Remembrance Events draw hundreds to commemorate those fallen. In a moving tribute to honour…
Ludlow Town Council Press Releases
Ludlow Town Council issues press releases to provide updates on local services, funding, events and local news for Ludlow.
Ludlow Town Remembrance Events draw hundreds to commemorate those fallen. In a moving tribute to honour…
The King’s Award for Voluntary Service is the highest Award given to voluntary groups in the UK…
The next Climate Action sub-committee meeting will be on Thursday 16th November The Climate…
The next Staffing Committee meeting will be on Tuesday 14th November The staffing committee…
Patient experience will help improve diabetic care and support According to NHS figures there are currently…
The next representational meeting will be on Tuesday 7th November The representational meeting…
Ludlow Town Council is pleased to announce that it will be hosting its highly anticipated annual Christmas…
Join Ludlow's Remembrance Sunday Service and Armistice Day Ludlow Town Council is pleased to invite …
Ludlow Town Council is holding a Full Council meeting on Monday 30th October at 7pm at The Guildhall…
Ludlow Town Council is excited to announce the upcoming Halloween-inspired trail at Ludlow Museum at…
Ludow Town Council's Policy and Finance Committee meeting will take place at 7pm on Monday 23rd October…
The Services Committee will take place Wednesday 25th October,7pm at the Guildhall The Services…
Ludlow Celebrates Gold Win at the Heart of England in Bloom Awards 2023 Ludlow Town Council is happy…
Exciting Lineup for Ludlow Winter Festival 24th - 26th November. Ludlow Town Council is happy to announce…
We're doing our bit to help reduce our emissions The decision to renew the council’s vans presented…
The Climate Action Sub Committee will take place Thursday 5th October, 09:30am at the Guildhall…
The Representational Committee will take place 3rd October, 7pm at the Guildhall The Representational…
Healthwatch Shropshire, the health and social care champion for the people of Shropshire, has celebrated…
The Staffing Committee will take place Tuesday 26th September, 9:30am at the Guildhall…
Can you provide us with a plumbing quote? We're looking for quotes from local plumbers to carry out …
The Full Council Meeting will take place Monday 18th September, 7pm at the Guildhall The full council…
Ludlow Town Council and Ludlow Fairtrade Town Group celebrate the refurbishment of the Fairtrade Flowerbed…
A meeting of the Policy and Finance Committee will be held at the Guildhall, Mill Street, Ludlow at …
PKF Littlejohn LLP have completed their review of the Annual Governance & Accountability Return (…