Civic Life
Ludlow Town Council has a strong civic identity and it is the role of the mayor to represent the council in this capacity.
The Mayor of Ludlow is elected annually, and is the first citizen of Ludlow. The Mayor has a heavy civic workload, but has no more authority or power than any other councillor - except a casting vote in the event of a tie at a committee meeting.
To find out more read the Mayor's Handbook
The heavy civic workload in 2024 / 25 included attending 39 events, including French Twinning in St Laurence’s, Shrewsbury Mayor Making, Leominster Mayor Making, Ludlow Baptist Church - welcoming the new Pastor and his family, Rotakids presentation Clee Hill Academy, D.Day service, D.Day in the castle, Ludlow Foyer – meeting staff and clients, congratulation to the carnival, Civic Award presentation to Jane Hughes, Ledbury Armed Forces day, Ludlow Museum Presentation, Mayors Sunday, Opening the Green Festival, Tea with the Mayor of Hereford, Judging at Hagley Place, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang BBC Radio Interview, Sip & Chat - Meeting residents, Mayor's Charity Market, Fair Trade Market Visit, Interview on the radio at the Food Festival, Hartlebury Castle - Mayors Charity for Stourport, Prize giving on the market for the bug hunt, Opening new toy shop, Radio interview for Adopt a Bear, Leominster Civic Sunday, 80' Disco, Black Tie Charity Dinner, Rememberance Parade, Rotary Tree of Light Switch-on, Ludlow Christmas Lights Switch on, Ludlow Seniors Christmas Party, RAF Shawbury Carol Concert in Shrewsbury, Freemason Xmas Concert, Opening of the Hands Together Poster Exhibition at the Ludlow Assembly Rooms (LAR), and Linney water monitoring - opening event.
Also attending 30 meetings, in addition to the full council and committee meetings, including SALC Chairs meeting, Castle Event Meeting, South Shropshire Mayors Forum,
Mayors meeting Shirehall - with Officers of SC, Bishops Castle Hospital visit to meet Mayor, Ludlow Winter Festival Meeting, Meeting with TfW with MP Stuart Anderson and Andy Munro, Meeting re- emergency planning, Meeting with Dr Morton re traffic issues, Economic Growth Workshop, Meeting with SC Leader, Lezley Picton, Visited Hands Together, LAR VIC Publicity photos, meeting Insp. Damien Kelly and Chief Inspector Graham Preece, meeting with Councillors and Connexus re Sandpits Estate, Zoom meeting with John Campion - Police and Crime Com., Afternoon tea Working together - Rocksprings, HOSC meeting in Shrewsbury.
And attending 9 training events on health, devolution, planning, emergency planning, and rural life.
More infomation can be found in the Annual Report
For infomation about the role of a councillors, please read the Good Councillor Guide
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