Ludlow Town Council Budget for 2024 / 25
The budget in 2024 / 25 is an annual increase in council tax of £13.02 per year, which is an increase of 25p per week.
Budget Principles
Ludlow Town Council set its budget following the guiding principles:
- To safeguard local services.
- To be mindful of the detrimental economic impact of the financial crisis.
- To set a sustainable budget for 2024/ 25.
- To set a reasonable and workable timetable to facilitate the projects.
- To set a budget trajectory for financial sustainability and resilience.
Town Council Vision, Aims and objectives
The local service and activities undertaken in the community are guided by the Council’s vision, aims and objectives.
Town Council's Vision
The Town Council’s Vision for Ludlow is of a successful and vibrant town, where people want to live, work, and visit.
Town Council’s Aims and Objectives
Ludlow Town Council aims to improve the quality of life for the residents of Ludlow by:
- Engaging in an open dialogue with the residents of Ludlow to better understand their needs and, in turn, explain how we will address those needs within the resources and powers of the Council.
- Helping to create a socially inclusive and caring community which embraces all its residents, irrespective of age, gender, sexual orientation, culture, income, race, or religion and which seeks to develop their wellbeing, knowledge, understanding and mutual co-operation.
- Providing a democratic, representational voice for the Ludlow community.
- Preserving and enhancing the traditions, character, heritage, and unique identity of the town.
- Promoting Ludlow as a clean, safe, welcoming, and prosperous town for all.
- Providing high-standard and cost-effective services.
- Becoming a better employer through continued valuing and development of employees, thereby encouraging personal responsibility, and stimulating innovation, all for the betterment of the town.
The Council’s annual budget enables the employment of nineteen full and part-time staff and their work for the continuation of local services & facilities including:
- Ludlow Market,
- Street Trading in Ludlow,
- Ludlow Museum at the Buttercross,
- Henley Road Cemetery – burial services and grounds maintenance,
- The Linney Riverside Park, play area, recreation area, jetty, car park, & public toilets,
- Riverside Life Buoys and Throw Lines,
- Wheeler Road Skate Park, fenced ball games area, smaller children’s play area & Ludlow Boxing Club building,
- Houseman Crescent Play Area,
- Castle Gardens,
- St John’s Gardens,
- Sidney Road Town Green,
- Town Centre Public Toilets at Castle Street and Smithfield,
- Town Centre benches,
- Bus shelters,
- Ludlow Mayfair,
- Town Centre CCTV,
- Community grants,
- Ludlow Calendar of Events leaflet,
- Public Meetings,
- Christmas Lights,
- Community and Civic Events – Remembrance Sunday with local partners, Mayor Making, Mayor’s Sunday, Christmas Lights Switch-On as part of Ludlow Winter Festival, and Senior Citizen’s Christmas Party,
- Planning Consultee – making local representations to Shropshire Council,
- The Guildhall Office in-person reception and admin services,
- Community information on Websites, Newsletter, and social media,
Projects in 2024 / 25
- The council also has several active and pending projects including:
- D-Day Celebration - 6th June 2024
- Bus Shelter installation/refurbishment.
- Extension of burial area at Henley Road Cemetery.
- Town Walls.
- Improving walls and post and chain fence at Castle Gardens.
- Market Parking.
- CCTV cameras outside the town centre.
- Improving youth facilities at Wheeler Road.
- Improving the ecological habitats at Town Green.
- Maintenance works to the Guildhall.
- Improving Christmas Lights.
- Tree planting.
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