Parish Boundary Review for Ludlow and Ludford Parish Boundaries
Shropshire Council is holding a consultation to consider the Parish Boundaries for Ludlow and Ludford parishes. The area to be included in the review is the whole of the parishes of Ludlow and Ludford.
- That newly created Rockgreen Ward becomes part of Ludlow Town Council’s Hayton Ward.
- Ludlow Town Council expands to include the housing and commercial development land, and the park and ride in the newly created Sheet Ward (as defined in orange).
- Ludford is recognised as an important historic area and a smaller parish is retained (as defined in blue). Please see the attached boundary map.
Ludlow Town Council welcomes the Community Governance Review and considers it to be an important opportunity to create a first-tier governance structure for Ludlow’s future growth.
The Town Council’s Vision for Ludlow is of a successful and vibrant town, where people want to live, work, and visit.
Ludlow Town Council has the General Powers of Competence and believes it is well placed to deliver good local governance and that this is in the best long-term interests of Ludlow’s growth.
Town Council’s Aims and Objectives
Ludlow Town Council will continue with its aims to improve the quality of life for the residents of Ludlow by:
- Engaging in an open dialogue with the residents of Ludlow to better understand their needs and, in turn, explain how we will address those needs within the resources and powers of the Council.
- Helping to create a socially inclusive and caring community which embraces all its residents, irrespective of age, gender, sexual orientation, culture, income, race, or religion and which seeks to develop their wellbeing, knowledge, understanding and mutual co-operation.
- Providing a democratic, representational voice for the Ludlow community.
- Preserving and enhancing the traditions, character, heritage, and unique identity of the town.
- Promoting Ludlow as a clean, safe, welcoming, and prosperous town for all.
- Providing high-standard and cost-effective services.
- Becoming a better employer through continued valuing and development of employees, thereby encouraging personal responsibility, and stimulating innovation, all for the betterment of the town.
Local Plan, Core Strategy, and SAM DEV
Shropshire Council’s Local Plan, Core Strategy and SAM Dev site allocation documents do not identify Ludford as an area for residential or commercial growth. Ludlow Town Council strongly believes that it should be the local authority that is responsible for the local representation and works with Shropshire council to guide Ludlow’s growth residential and commercial, and core infrastructure including transport for its future success.
Shropshire Council’s Core Strategy Policy CS3 identifies Ludlow as the centre for development in the south of the County and the importance of respecting its historic character.
In order to respect its historic character, Ludlow’s growth of around 875 houses and a minimum of 6 ha of new employment land (between 2006 and 2026) is outside of the town boundary. This is a normal pattern of development for a historic market town.
Shropshire Council’s adopted SAM Dev plan states:
S10.1 Ludlow Town Development Strategy
2. New housing development will be delivered primarily on the allocated housing sites east of the A49, set out in schedule S10.1a and identified on the Policies Map, alongside additional infill, and windfall development within the town’s development boundary.
S10.1a: Housing Sites Development of the allocated housing sites identified on the Policies Map should be in accordance with Policies CS6, CS9 and CS11, Policies MD2, MD3 and MD8, and the developer guidelines and approximate site provision figures set out in this schedule.
Allocated sites Development Guidelines Provision Land south of Rocks Green (LUD017) Subject to access off the A4117. Should include landscaping to take account of wider setting, provision of open space, contribution to pedestrian/cycle access over A49, and to foot/cycle path to Eco Park.
To include provision to enable access to potential future development area to the south. Land east of Eco Park (LUD034) Subject to access off Sheet Road and highways improvements if required, landscaping to account of wider setting, provision of open space.
To include provision to enable access to potential future development area to the north.
4.104 … Development has taken place east of the A49 in recent years with the affordable housing exception site at Rocks Green and the successful development of business uses at Ludlow Eco Park.
The allocations help to protect the importance of the southern approach to the town for the setting of the historic core and avoid large areas of flood risk associated with the river corridors.
There are also potential longer-term opportunities in this broad location east of the A49 between the Eco Park and Rocks Green for new development post 2026.
Both allocations support the potential to enable, rather than stifle, future development in this area. Any potential development in this broad location is not expected to take place until after 2026.
3. To foster economic development and to help deliver a balance between new housing and local employment opportunities, two specific site allocations for new employment land adjacent to the Ludlow Eco Park are set out in Schedule S10.1b and identified on the Policies Map. They are capable of accommodating a range of employment uses. Other appropriate brownfield opportunities for employment use within the town will also be supported. As an important employment area for the wider hinterland, existing employment areas are safeguarded for employment use in accordance with Policy MD9.
S10.1b: Employment Sites Development of the allocated employment sites identified on the Policies Map should be in accordance with Policies CS6, CS9, and CS14, Policies MD2, MD4 and MD8, and the development guidelines and approximate site provision areas set out in this schedule. Allocated sites Development Guidelines Provision (hectares).
Land east of Eco Park (ELR059) To accommodate B1 employment use. To incorporate quality of design in keeping with the standards at the existing Eco Park. Subject to access off Sheet Road and highways improvements, if required.
To include provision for access to potential future development area to the north. 2.5 Land south of Sheet Road (ELR058) To accommodate range of B1/B2/B8 employment uses. Subject to access off Sheet Road and highways improvements, if required. Subject to appropriate design, landscape buffering and screening.
4. To support Ludlow’s role as a Principal Centre, new main town centre uses will be focused within the defined town centre area and Primary Shopping Area identified on the Policies Map, and will be subject to Policies CS15 and MD10a/MD10b.
5. Development proposals will be expected to take account of infrastructure constraints and requirements, as identified within the LDF Implementation Plan and Place Plans, and positively contribute towards local infrastructure improvements, including the provision of community benefits in accordance with Policies CS8 and CS9.
6. All development should protect, conserve, and enhance the setting and significance of the historic core of the town recognising the importance of Ludlow Castle as a heritage asset of national and international significance.
Shropshire Council’s strategies accommodate Ludlow’s growth and Ludlow Town Council believes the parish boundary of Ludlow needs to be changed to include all residential and commercial development and the town’s transport infrastructure including Ludlow Park and Ride.
The Ludford Question
Ludford Parish Council has asked Ludlow Town Council to consider the option of retaining a smaller Ludford Parish, which would focus on the historic settlement of Ludford and the historic natural environment of Ludford.
Ludford believes that they would be best placed to do this as a separate parish council. Specifically, the lower west section of the the existing parish including the banks of the river Teme that form part of a SSSI for the area (Sites of Special Scientific interest). The historic Ludford Bridge dates from the 15th Century - adjacent to the Horseshoe Weir.
Ludford’s area of Whitcliffe Common and SSSIs along the river Teme, the world-renowned fossil site known as the Ludlow Bone Beds, located at the southern end of the common.
Ludford’s proposal fits with Ludlow Town Council’s aims, so the two parishes are in agreement on the way forward. Ludlow’s new ward is called Sheet Ward, in recognition of that area’s long history and mentioned in the Doomsday book, and will include all the housing development land, and business development land for Ludlow, and the park and ride and increase the section of the A49 that borders the parish of Ludlow.
The new boundary between Ludford and Ludlow parishes would follow the railway line next to Steventon Road (running from the edge of Gallows Bank ward) until it meets the A49 and would then run along the midpoint of the A49 to the parish boundary. Please see the boundary map.
A Sense of Community
Ludlow Town Council supports Shropshire Council’s assertion that a sense of identity and community:
- lends strength and legitimacy to the parish structure,
- creates a common interest in parish affairs,
- leads to representative and accountable government,
- engenders visionary leadership and
- generates a strong, inclusive community with a sense of civic values, responsibility, and pride.
Ludlow Town Council is committed to creating a sense of identity and community, and does this in a number of ways:
- The Town Council’s public meetings are advertised on the website and in newsletters. Full Council and committee are attended by members of the public making representations about a wide variety of matters.
- Ludlow Town Councillors make themselves accessible to the electorate with their photograph and contact details on the website – The most recent copy of the Buttercross bulletin Newsletter also featured the details of all councillors to help form a connection with residents without internet access.
- Ludlow Town Council staff respond to queries from residents in Ludlow and all surround ding parishes and direct their enquiries appropriately.
- In 2022, Ludlow Town Council organised a community gathering at Ludlow Castle in celebration of the late Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. This was greatly enjoyed and appreciated – and many people asked for a community gathering to become an annual event.
- On a more sombre note, Ludlow Town Council led the local mourning for the passing of the Queen. The council was proud to lead their community at such a significant time.
- In 2023, Ludlow Town Council organised a community gathering in celebration of the coronation of King Charles III – this was a wonderful event and very well attended.
- In 2024, Ludlow Town Council are planning a community gathering to remember the 80th anniversary of D-Day. The community gatherings have been organised with partner organisations including Ludlow castle and the Chamber of Trade. They have engendered a strong sense of community and local civic pride.
- The Town Council did not put any restrictions on attendance and expected Ludford residents to join with Ludlow residents.
- Ludlow Town Council is committed to other annual events that bring the community together including Ludlow Mayfair including the Dodgem’s Service, Christmas Lights Switch on and Winter Festival, and Ludlow Senior Citizens’ Christmas party.
- Ludlow Town Council believes that altering the parish boundary will enable residents in the new developments to directly participate in and contribute to the local democracy of Ludlow, which is in the interests of the community – and in the interests of effective local governance of Ludlow.
Ludlow Town Council supports Shropshire Council’s wishes to ensure that electors should be able to identify with the parish in which they are resident.
Place Plan
Ludlow Town Council believes that it is important for Ludlow’s transport infrastructure to be contained within the town council boundary.
The Town Council is keen that the park and ride is developed for the benefit of the town. The town council has recently made parish CIL funding available in support of safety improvements to the entrance to Ludlow railway station.
The Town Council’s proposal would move the park and ride and more of the A49 into the Town Council area.
Democratic Local Services
Ludlow Town council recognises the importance of community engagement to ensure that the views of the local electorate are understood, and the actions taken by the council are informed by these views.
Ludlow Town Council has consulted residents on a number of issues, including:
- Bus shelters. Since 20219, and after a public consultation to identify suitable sites, the town council has installed 5 new bus shelters in the locations identified by local residents, and the council is undertaking another consultation in February 2024.
- Christmas lights – a public consultation took place in 2023 and the feedback has been used to inform a sponsorship plan and a phased plan of improvements.
- Wheeler Road Skate Park and Recreation area. In 2023, town councillors engaged with local young people to find out what they wanted at Wheeler Road. As a result, a new teen shelter has been installed and the council has plans to improve the multi-use games area (MUGA), benches, and litter bins.
Methods of Communication and Community Engagement
Ludlow Town Council is committed to improving community engagement and creating a more cohesive community.
The Town Council understands that communication plays a vital role and have a dedicated Communications and Marketing Officer.
The council engages residents through many different channels including a printed newsletter, websites and multi-platform social media posts, in-person at the Annual Town Residents Meeting, and at Full Council and committee meetings, and through the publication of an Annual Report.
The town council is proud of its track record of maintaining a wide range of public services for the local community including public conveniences, street trading, and cultural event permits from 2011; and the hosting of Ludlow Museum at the Buttercross from 2016.
The Council’s staff include a Direct Labour Force, cleaning staff, museum assistants, a market manager, and administrative staff totalling 19 full or part-time employees, who collectively deliver the following services.
- Ludlow Market –
- Street Trading in Ludlow,
- Ludlow Museum at the Buttercross –
- Henley Road Cemetery – burial services and grounds maintenance,
- The Linney Riverside Park, play area, recreation area, jetty, car park, & public toilets,
- Riverside Life Buoys and Throw Lines,
- Wheeler Road Skate Park, fenced ball games area, smaller children’s play area & Ludlow Boxing Club building,
- Houseman Crescent Play Area,
- Castle Gardens,
- St John’s Gardens,
- Sidney Road Town Green,
- Town Centre Public Toilets at Castle Street and Smithfield,
- Town Centre benches,
- Bus shelters,
- Ludlow Mayfair,
- Town Centre CCTV,
- Community grants,
- Ludlow Calendar of Events leaflet,
- Public Meetings,
- Christmas Lights,
- Community and Civic Events – Remembrance Sunday with local partners, Mayor Making, Mayor’s Sunday, Christmas Lights Switch-On as part of Ludlow Winter Festival, and Senior Citizen’s Christmas Party,
- Planning Consultee – making local representations to Shropshire Council,
- Maintenance Projects,
- The Guildhall Office in person reception and admin services,
Community information on Websites, Newsletter, and social media,
Projects in 2024 / 25
The council’s active and pending projects including:
- D Day Celebration - 6th June 2024
- Bus Shelter installation / refurbishment.
- Extension of burial area at Henley Road Cemetery.
- Town Walls.
- Improving walls and post and chain fence at Castle Gardens.
- Market Parking.
- CCTV cameras outside the town centre.
- Improving youth facilities at Wheeler Road.
- Improving the ecological habitats at Town Green.
- Maintenance works to the Guildhall.
- Improving Christmas Lights.
- Tree planting.
Electoral Arrangements
With future growth in mind, the new Ludlow Town Council ward would require two new ward councillors, which means that Ludlow Town Council would be 17 councillors.
A new smaller parish of Ludford would require 5 councillors, which the town council believes is the minimum number required for a parish.
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