Your Council
Your most local and accessible tier of government.
Throughout the year Ludlow Town Council holds many Civic and Mayoral events in the town to celebrate or commemorate important days of the year, to raise funds for the Mayor's Charity or to provide community events for the people of the town and surrounding areas.
These include the Annual Town Meeting, Annual General Council Meeting, Mayor Making Ceremony, Mayor's Sunday Church Service, Remembrance Sunday, Christmas Lights Switch On and Santa's Grotto.
Mayor's Sunday is an annual event held at the start of the Mayoral year to formally introduce the new Mayor to the community and allow Councillors to pledge their allegiance to the Mayor's leadership. Taking place in the historic St Laurence's Church, the occasion is a truly remarkable and memorable experience.
Ludlow's Mayfair, operating under a Royal Charter, takes place in the town centre every year over the May bank holiday.
A unique highlight of the event is the Mayfair Sunday service, held on the Dodgems near St Laurence's Church. During this special service, the congregation sits in the dodgem cars while the service is conducted, accompanied by a choir performance, creating a truly memorable experience.
Each year, on the last Saturday in November, Ludlow Town Council hosts the Christmas Lights Switch-On as part of the Ludlow Winter Festival. The event features Santa’s Grotto, where over 200 free presents are given to local children, carol singing led by the Ludlow Concert Band, and a variety of festive entertainment for all to enjoy.
Read about Ludlow Winter Fest 2024
The Mayor Making Ceremony, held annually in May, serves to officially swear in the new Mayor and appoint individuals to civic and ceremonial roles, such as the Sergeant-at-Arms and the Chaplain. The event also provides the outgoing Mayor with an opportunity to express gratitude to Councillors and staff, as well as to present a cheque to their chosen Mayoral Charity. Additionally, during the ceremony, the incoming Mayor announces their selected charity for the year.
Armistice Day, observed annually at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, commemorates the end of the First World War. It is a solemn occasion to honor all those who have served our country, particularly those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.
Ludlow’s Remembrance Sunday service is a significant event in the town’s calendar, bringing the entire community together to pay tribute to the men, women, and animals who have served in our armed forces during both wartime and peacetime. The day features a grand parade, starting from the castle and marching around the market square before the ceremonial laying of wreaths and the observance of a minute's silence. The parade then continues around the square, with salutes to members of the council, before concluding at St Laurence's Church.
Each year Ludlow Town Council hosts 100 senior citizens for our Seniors Christmas Party. Highlights include festive entertainment by Tom Wenlock, Christmas carols performed by St Laurence’s Primary School, bingo, a raffle, and sandwiches and cakes served by Ludlow College students. The event is open to Ludlow residents aged 65 and over.
Read about Seniors Xmas Party 2024
Freedom of the town 2014
1989 marked the 300th anniversary of the formation of the 1st Battalion of the Royal Welsh Fusiliers. First Raised in Ludlow Castle in 1689 the 23rd Foot was given Freedom of the town to mark this occasion and was led by the Goat Major as seen in the picture to the left.
24th May 2012
On the 24th of May 2012 the Olympic torch relay passed through Ludlow on the way to the London Games. Over 20,000 people ligned the streets of Ludlow to watch the potentially once in a life time spectacle. Bunting and Banners where set up with music playing in the Bullring at the top of Corve Street. It truly was a spectacle to behold.
20th August 1995
The joint Town Council/Royal British Legion Executive Committee organised the commemoration and celebration of the end of World War 2.
The parade left what was then Somerfield Car Park at 10.30am for the Church Service in St Laurences at 11am. Afterwards the parade marched to Castle Square.
The afternoon and evening were devoted to a grand public event on the square. Everyone was invited to bring a picnic and tea was provided for children. Transport was made available for Senior Citizen’s Residential Homes and light refreshments provided. In the evening there was a Pig Roast in the Castle Grounds with a band and tug of war competition.
Ludlow is renowned for its vibrant festivals held throughout the year, celebrating everything from food and drink to arts and the environment.
Your most local and accessible tier of government.
Historic outdoor market in the heart of Ludlow town centre.
Ludlow Museum at the Buttercross SY8 1AW, worth a visit for tourists and locals a like.
Throughout the year Ludlow hosts many diverse events in and around the town centre.