Projects in 2024/25
Completed Projects
In 2024 / 25, Ludlow Town Council has delivered local services, undertaking projects and partnership working in support of the community of Ludlow.
Community Event
The Town Council worked with Ludlow Castle and Ludlow Chamber of Trade to deliver a successful D-Day Celebration hosted by Ludlow Castle in June 2024.
Bus ShelterA new bus shelter will be installed on Tollgate Road.
Christmas Lights
Further to the improvements made last year, the council has agreed to the installation of lights in Parkway by the library.
Ludlow’s Bathing Water Status
A section of the river Teme from the Linney jetty to the Millenium Green has been designated an area for monitoring Ludlow’s bathing water. The council has purchased statutory signage, and it will be erected by the Linney jetty, and a jetty ladder has been installed to help with safe access to the river.
Ludlow Winter Festival
The Council is working in collaboration with many other local community organisations to deliver a successful Ludlow Winter Festival in November 2024.
Play Areas
A public consultation on the options to replace the damaged play equipment has been undertaken at Houseman Crescent. Option 4 received the most support from the public and will be installed.
Ongoing projects
Town CCTV Phase II
The Town Walls
Ludlow Town Tourism Recovery
Town Green
Climate Action Plan
Conservation work on the historic Guildhall
Wheeler Road Play area and teen shelter
Project Development
The Guildhall
Work has started on the grade 1 listed guild hall to do some necessary conservation work on both the interior and exterior of the building. A survey was conducted on the building by the Local Conservation officer as there were obvious damp spots starting to appear on the rear of the hall and places where the plaster on the internal roof had deteriorated. The conclusion of the survey was to approve measures to put this right. Externally the jobs that were necessary and approved were:
- Repairing the two rear downspouts, as this was the cause of the damp issue
Replacing the render in the brickwork around the effected areas to weatherproof the area.
Repairing the wooden window frames in sections and repainting them in keeping with appearance of the building
The jobs that were deemed necessary to conduct on the interior were.
Mending the holes in the Guildhall ceiling
Removal of the modern heaters that are causing warpage to the wood panelling
Some minor repairs to the woodwork within the hall itself.
It is important to note that all work has been done following guidance from the Conservation Officer and that all items and fitting of historical value that were necessary to remove in the renovation have been carefully stored to retain the integrity of the Building and its historical value.