Your Council
Your most local and accessible tier of government.
There are many local community group, organisations and tourist attractions in and around Ludlow.
On 1 April 2009, Shropshire became a Unitary Authority called Shropshire Council, which assumed responsibility for all services previously provided by district, borough and county councils.
Shropshire Council provides many services within the town of Ludlow including Car Parks and On Street Parking, Ludlow Library and Resource Centre, Refuse Collections, Council Tax and Business Rates, Housing and Council Tax Benefits, Education Services, Electoral Services - Register of Electors, Planning and Environmental Health, Health and Social Care, Leisure and Culture, Transport and Highways and Ludlow and Clee Area Local Joint Committee.
Trained staff are on hand to offer helpful and friendly guidance at Ludlow Library, 7 Parkway, SY8 2PG.
Hands Together Ludlow
Connecting Ludlow community. Giving help, information and support to people in and around Ludlow.
Ludlow Food Bank
Ludlow Food Bank relies purely on our generous donations, both produce and financial.
Shropshire Together Ludlow
Shropshire Disability Network (SDN) was formed in 2008 to provide a powerful collective voice for disabled people across Shropshire.
Ludlow Defib4You
Ludlow Defib4You is a life saving community scheme set up by a group of councillors in 2012.
Working Together Ludlow
A charity based in Ludlow offering support to individuals with learning difficulties, learning disabilities and autism and their families.
Shropshire Fire and Rescue
Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service operates from 23 strategically located sites across Shropshire.
Citizens Advice
Provide people with the knowledge and confidence they need to find their way forward - whoever they are, and whatever their problem.
Ludlow Chamber of Trade
A membership organisation for local businesses that works towards furthering and improving the trade and commercial interests of Ludlow.
Ludlow Mascall Centre
Whether you’re looking for a space to host your event, an intimate wedding venue or a training facility Ludlow Mascall Centre can meet your needs.
Each day, as for more than 800 years, God is worshipped here faithfully. Each year 70.000 pilgrims and visitors come to our beautiful church.
MP of Ludlow
Re-elected as Member of Parliament for Ludlow, Bridgnorth and South Shropshire for the fourth time in December 2019.
Ludlow Castle
One of the finest medieval ruins in England. Set in the glorious bustling market town of Ludlow.
Ludlow Assembly Rooms
Live theatre, music and cinema in the heart of Shropshire. An accessible arts and community centre like no other.
Shropshire Hills
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty is a jewel in the crown of Shropshire’s lovely countryside.
Visitor Information Centre
The Ludlow Visitor Information Centre for tourism and visitor enquiries
Teme Leisure
Swimming pool, Fitness Suite, Exercise Studios, Badminton Courts, Sports Hall, Coffee Shop, Creche and Spa
Ludlow Football Club
Ludlow Golf Club
Ludlow Golf Club, founded in 1889, is the oldest club & course in the Union of Shropshire and Herefordshire.
Ludlow Rugby Club
Ludlow Amateur Boxing
England Boxing affiliated. Age 9+. Weds 6.30 - 7.30 juniors - adults 7.30 - 8.30pm
Ludlow Castle Tennis Club
A friendly and welcoming tennis club with an excellent range of courts for year-round play.
Ludlow Civic Society
The Ludlow Civic Society believes in maintaining the historic integrity and future vitality of Ludlow
The group support the Buttercross Museum and Shropshire Museums Collections Centre.
Ludlow Historical Research Group
Formed in 1976 with the object of researching the town of Ludlow and the surrounding area.
Rotary International
Ludlow Rotarians share a keen and active interest in the community in which we live.
Ludlow Photographic Club
The club meets regularly throughout the year, providing a varied range of talks, competitions,and exhibitions.
Ludlow Art Society
Ludlow Art Society exists to share and promote visual arts to fellow artists and the general public.
Ludlow Concert Band
A non-competing local wind band that plays at community, civic and fundraising events.
Ludlow Pride of Place litter pick across Ludlow and encourages local residents and visitors to be more litter aware and to reduce, reuse and recycle.
Friends of Whitcliffe
It is maintained by Friends of Whitcliffe Common in close conjunction with the leaseholders, Shropshire Wildlife Trust, so that future generations can enjoy this beautiful area.
The Objectives adopted by the Trust were to restore and maintain the Weirs, to protect the rivers ecology established over 800 years.
Gallows Bank Millennium
Green Trust & Friends
5 hectares of grassland and tree cover used to be the site of Ludlow's public hangings. Saved from housing development in 1998 it is now protected as a Millennium Green.
Ludlow 21 is a local voluntary group established in 1998 to promote sustainable living in the Ludlow area within a fair and just global society.
Ludlow in Bloom
Ludlow Town Council is happy to announce that Ludlow in Bloom has been awarded Gold in the category Town at the Heart of England in Bloom Awards 2023.
Walkers Are Welcome
A nationwide initiative launched in 2007 to be ‘welcoming to walkers’. Ludlow is proud to be recognised as a Walkers are welcome Town.
Parish Paths Partnerships & Wardens
Local people help manage the 5,500 km’s of Public Rights of Way within the County. Parish Paths Partnerships are groups of volunteers who come together to do whatever they decide needs to be done at the local level.
Your most local and accessible tier of government.
Historic outdoor market in the heart of Ludlow town centre.
Ludlow Museum at the Buttercross SY8 1AW, worth a visit for tourists and locals a like.
Throughout the year Ludlow hosts many diverse events in and around the town centre.