Mayor Of Ludlow

Councillor Beverley Waite

Mayor of Ludlow 2024 - 2025 - Councillor Beverley Waite

Mayor of Ludlow 2024 - 2025 - Councillor Tim Gill


Learn more about the Mayor of Ludlow

Mayor's Events 

Previous Mayor of Ludlow
2022 - 2024

Councillor Glenn Ginger

Mayor of Ludlow 2022/24 - Councillor Glenn Ginger

Deputy Mayor of Ludlow 2022/24 - Councillor Beverley Waite

Mayor's Charity 2022/24 - South Shropshire Youth Forum


Mayor's Events 22/24

Mayor's Charity Market - 29th September 2022
Remembering Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
Mayor's Charity Kids Disco - 26th October 2022
Mayor's Charity Film Night - 26th October
Mayor's Charity Supper - 24th November 2022
Mayor's Charity Quiz - May 2023

Previous Mayor's of Ludlow

Mayor of Ludlow 2021 - 2022

Councillor Robin Pote

Mayor of Ludlow 2021/22 - Councillor Robin Pote

Deputy Mayor of Ludlow 2021/22 - Councillor Viv Parry

Mayor's Charity 2021/22 - Ludlow Young Health

Mayor's Events 21/22

Mayor's Charity Market - 29th July 2021
Mayor's Charity Miles Week - 18th Sept - 24th Sept 21

Mayor of Ludlow 2014 - 2017

Councillor Paul Draper

Deputy Mayor of Ludlow 2014/16 - Councillor Paul Kemp 

Deputy Mayor of Ludlow 2016/17 - Councillor Colin Sheward 

Mayor's charity for 2014/15 - Home Start Ludlow

Mayor's charity for 2015/16 - The Ludlow Hosptal League of Friends

Mayor's charity for 2016/17 - The Ludlow Foyer

Mayor's Events 2014/2017

Northern Soul and Motown Evening - 6th September 2014
Night Out - 4th October 2014
Variety Night - 13th December 2014
Black Tie Event - 14th March 2015
Cheese and Wine Evening - 19th
September 2015
Motown Evening - 21st November 2015
Band Evening - 23rd January 2016
Black Tie Event - 19th March 2016
Motown Evening - 24th September 2016
Motown Evening - 28th January 2017
Black Tie Event - 4th March 2017
Quiz Night - 2nd April 2017

Mayor's between 2014 - 2010

Mayor of Ludlow 2013 - 2014

Councillor Jim Smithers

Deputy Mayor 2013/14 - Councillor Paul Draper

Mayor's charities for 2013/14 - The Community First Responders Ludlow and the Royal British Legion Ludlow Branch

Mayor's Events 13/14

Mayor's Charity Quiz and Raffle - 18th August 2013

Mayor's Halloween Party Night and Raffle - 1st November 2013 

Charity Race Night - 29th November 2013 Cancelled

Mayor's Charity Easter Dance - 18th May 2014

Mayor of Ludlow 2012 - 2013

Councillor Tony Pound

Deputy Mayor of Ludlow 2012/13 - Councillor Vivienne Parry

Mayor's charity for 2012/13 - Ludlow Royal Voluntary Service, Ludlow Day Away Club and South Shropshire Citizen's Advice Centre


Mayor's Events 12/13

Food Festival Car Park - 8th & 9th September 2012
Dance and Buffet - 10th August 2012
Christmas Dance and Buffet - 14th December 2012
Service to commemorate the end of the Falklands War - 17th June 2012

Mayor's between 2010 - 2007

Mayor of Ludlow 2008 - 2009

Councillor Jim Newbold

Deputy Mayor of Ludlow 2008/09 - Councillor Derek Davies

Mayor's charity for 2008/09 - Age Concern

Mayor's Events 08/09

Harvest Seniors Party - 6th October 2008
Mayor's Charity Dance and Buffet - 6th March 2009 

Mayor of Ludlow 2007 - 2008

Councillor Marie Glaze

Deputy Mayor of Ludlow 2007/08 - Councillor Jim Smithers

Mayor's charity for 2007/08 - Brownies, Guides and Scouts

Mayor's Events 07/08

Ceremony of Civic & Charters Awards
Cricket Club Biggest Community Cricket Event - 11th & 12th April 2008
Mayfair Sunday Service - 4th May 2008
Opening of the Straw House - 24th May 2007

Mayor's between 2007 - 2000

Mayor of Ludlow 2003 - 2007

Councillor Graeme Kidd

Deputy Mayor of Ludlow for 2003/04 - Councillor Marie Glaze

Deputy Mayor of Ludlow for 2004/05 - Councillor Terry Burgoyne

Deputy Mayor for 2005/06 - Councillor Jim Smithers

Deputy Mayor for 2006/07 - Councillor Roger Ward 

Mayor's charity for 2004/05 - First Responders

Mayor's charity for 2005/07 - Town Walls Trust

Mayor's Events 03/07

Ludlow Festival Civic Reception -
26th June 2006 prior to the performance of a Midsummer Night's Dream

60th Anniversary of the End of World War 2 Celebrations - 21st August 2005

Mayor's Carol Service - 14th December 2003

Ludlow Festival Civic Reception - 23rd June 2003

Ludlow Festival Civic Reception  - 28th June 2004

Mayor of Ludlow 2001 - 2003






Councillor Rose Jones

Deputy Mayor of Ludlow 2001/03- Councillor Graham Earney

Mayor's charity for 2001/03 - Devoted to the creation of the Babies Memorial Area in Henley Road Cemetery, Ludlow

Mayor's Events 01/03

World Peace Flame - 20th September 2001

Mayor of Ludlow 2000 - 2001






Councillor Richard Phillips

Deputy Mayor of Ludlow for 2000/01 - Councillor Rose Jones 

Mayor's Charities for 2000/01 - Five local charities for the disabled


Mayor's between 2000 - 1963

Mayor of Ludlow 1999 - 2000

Councillor Rose Jones


Deputy Mayor Ludlow for 1999/00

Mayor's Charities for 1999/00 - Ludlow Hospital Maternity Unit and the creation of Babies Memorial Area in Ludlow Cemetery

Mayor of Ludlow 1997 - 1999

Councillor Alan Middleton


Deputy Mayor of Ludlow 1997/99 - Councillor Rose Jones

Mayor's Charity for 1997/98 - The appeal by the Scout and Guides Movement for new premises

Mayor's Charities for 1997/98 - The appeal by the Scout and Guides Movement for new premises and the Rheumatism and Arthritis Council

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1995 - 1997

Councillor Owen Elias


Deputy Mayor of Ludlow 1996/97 - Councillor A Middleton

Deputy Mayor of Ludlow 1995/96 - Councillor J Morris

Mayor's Charity for 1997/98 - The appeal by the Scout and Guides Movement for new premises

Mayor's Charity for 1996/97 - The Nightingale Nursing Fund

Mayor of Ludlow 1994 - 1995

Councillor Gloria A Miles


Deputy Mayor Ludlow 1994/95 - Councillor M Coxill

Mayor's Charities for 1994/95 - Ludlow Hospital Maternity Unit (£1419) and the Air Ambulance (£1419)

Mayor's Events 94/95

Royal Welsh Fusiliers March through Ludlow -  26th November 1995

V.J. Day Commemoration and Celebrations - 20th August 1995

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1993 - 1994

Councillor Graham Wilson-Lloyd

Deputy Mayor Ludlow 1993/94 - Councillor Mrs G Miles

Mayor's Charity for 1993/94 - DEBRA, a charity to aid skin blistered children (£1700)

Mayor's Events 93/94

Opening of Ludlow Assembly Rooms

Public Consultation on the proposed Castle Square Enhancement Scheme

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1992 - 1993

Councillor Jenny Ann Smallman

(Councillor Smallman came 4th place in the B.B.C.’s Brain of Britain competition)

Deputy Mayor Ludlow 1992/93 - Councillor G Willson-Lloyd

Mayor's Charitys for 1992/93 - Ludlow Assembly Rooms Project

Mayor of Ludlow 1991 - 1992

Councillor Alan Middleton

Deputy Mayor Ludlow 1991/92 - Councillor J Smallman

Mayor's Charity for 1991/92 - Ludlow's children's charities

 Mayor of Ludlow 1990 - 1991

Councillor Shirley Phillips

Deputy Mayor Ludlow 1990/91 - Alan Middleton

Mayor's Charity for 1990/91 - Red Cross

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1989 - 1990

Councillor John WS Morris

Deputy Mayor Ludlow 1989/90 - Shirley Phillips

Mayor of Ludlow 1988 - 1989

Councillor David Lloyd

Deputy Mayor Ludlow 1988/89 - Councillor JWS Morris

Mayor of Ludlow 1987 - 1988

Councillor BW Houghton

Deputy Mayor Ludlow 1987/88 -


Mayor of Ludlow 1985 - 1987

Councillor Ralph Gill

Mayor of Ludlow 1983 - 1985

Councillor Dylis Poole

Deputy Mayor Ludlow 1983/84 - Councillor Darrell Reece-Green

Deputy Mayor Ludlow 1984/85 - Councillor G Jones

Mayor's Charity for 1983/85 - To raise money for a lifting attachment for a bus to enable bedridden hospital patients to be taken out into the countryside

Mayor of Ludlow 1982 - 1983

Councillor Dylis Poole

Deputy Mayor Ludlow 1982/83 - Councillor Ronald GT Wall

Deputy Mayor Ludlow 1982/83 - Councillor Dylis Poole

Mayor's Charity for 1982/83 - Ludlow Red Cross

Mayor of Ludlow 1981 - 1982

Councillor Martin Speight

Mayor of Ludlow 1980 - 1981

Councillor R Gill

 Mayor of Ludlow 1979 - 1980

Councillor June Beeching

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1978 - 1979

Councillor John Trevor

Mayor of Ludlow 1977 - 1978

Councillor JH Bateman

Deputy Mayor Ludlow 1977/78 - Councillor JT Went

Mayor's Events

24th May 1978 presented a Jubliee Certificate of Merit to Councillor Hyde
3rd March 1978 - Mayor's Civic Ball, Ludlow Town Hall

Mayor of Ludlow 1975 - 1977

Councillor (AE) Ernest Garner

Deputy Mayor Ludlow 1975/77 - Councillor JH Bateman


Mayor of Ludlow 1972 - 1975

Councillor George H Jones

Deputy Mayor Ludlow 1972/75 - Councillor AE Garner

Mayor of Ludlow 1970 - 1972

Councillor William T.Hyde

Deputy Mayor Ludlow 1970/72 - Councillor GH Jones

Mayor of Ludlow 1968 - 1970

Councillor David T.E Lloyd

Deputy Mayor Ludlow 1968/70 - Councillor WT Hyde

Photo Credit - Andy Heer

Mayor of Ludlow 1965 - 1968

Councillor William J Price

Deputy Mayor of Ludlow 1965/68 - Councillor J Davies

Mayor of Ludlow 1963 - 1965

Councillor Gladys M Potter

Awarded Freedom of the Borough


Mayor's between 1963 - 1913

Mayor of Ludlow 1961 - 1963

Councillor G.E.Clifford Grimmett

Mayor of Ludlow 1961

Councillor Sidney C Price


MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1960 - 1961 

Councillor Reginald C.V Wakeman

Died in office
Member of St John's Ambulance Brigade


Mayor of Ludlow 1959 - 1960

Councillor Leonard Holden


MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1957 - 1959

Councillor John G Davies

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1954 - 1957

Councillor Sidney C Price - Baker

Opening of Ludlow Swimming Baths, Linney - Photo credit: Glyn Price

Mayor of Ludlow 1952 - 1954

Councillor James H Machin

Police Superintendant

Mayor of Ludlow 1949 - 1952

Councillor Henry J Little

Mayor of Ludlow 1947 - 1949

Councillor William James Brown

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1946 - 1947

Councillor Harry Williams

Mayor of Ludlow 1945 - 1946

Councillor Thomas B Yarow

Resigned in 1968 presented with a pipe and lighter.

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1943 - 1945

Councillor Leonard Y Johnson

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1942 - 1943

Councillor William J Brown

Opening of Ludlow Swimming Baths, Linney - Photo credit: Glyn Price

Mayor of Ludlow 1940 - 1942

Councillor George T Bennett

Mayor of Ludlow 1939 - 1940

Councillor Violet L Packer

School Teacher

Mayor of Ludlow 1938 - 1939

Councillor Albert Gatehouse

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1937 - 1938

Councillor William J Brown

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1936 - 1937 

Councillor William S Stephens

Deputy Mayor of Ludlow 1936/37 - Councillor Richard Poyner

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1934 - 1936

Councillor Thomas J Bryan

Deputy Mayor 1934/36

Mayor of ludlow  1932 - 1934

Councillor William Parsonage 

Turf Accountant whose horse Forbra won the Grand National in 1932.

Mayor of ludlow 1930 - 1932

Councillor Richard Poyner

Mayor of ludlow 1925 - 1930

Councillor John Palmer

Retired School Master

Mayor of ludlow 1923 - 1925

Councillor Edward H Rickards

Mayor of ludlow 1921 - 1923

Councillor Ernest W Bodenham


Mayor of ludlow 1917 - 1921

Councillor Edward Sheldon

1919 Mayor Edward Sheldon welcome home WW1 soldiers Photo credit: Ralph Beardmore

Landlord of the Pheasant Inn (Top of Old Street)
Longest serving Mayor of 6 years

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1913 - 1917

Councillor Samuel H Valentine

Grocer, Broad Street
On Tuesday, August 14th 1914 the Town Crier of Ludlow Richard Morgan paraded the streets in full regalia calling upon our town's people to gather outside the Old Town Hall in Castle Square. The subsequent crowd of some three thousand listened on as the Mayor of Ludlow Councillor Samuel Valentine officially announced the declaration of war from the Town Hall's balcony. The 10.13am train the following day was packed with men heading off to the Kings Shropshire Light Infantry depot in Shrewsbury; the platform was crowded with mothers, wives and children waving farewell.

Mayor's between 1911 - 1835

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1911 - 1913

Councillor Ernest T Evans

Draper Shop Keeper

Mayor of Ludlow 1907 - 1911

Councillor George Woodhouse


MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1906 - 1907

Councillor Ernest W Bodenham


MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1905 - 1906

Councillor Benjamin Weale

Builder and Methodist Preacher
His acceptance of office was conditional that the Corporation and town officials accompanied him to his own place of worship, which was done with uncommon heartiness and unanimity.

Mayor of Ludlow 1904 - 1905

Councillor Henry Lloyd


MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1902 - 1904

Councillor Edward Sheldon

Landlord of the Phesant Inn (Top of Old Street)

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1901 - 1902

Councillor Thomas H Atherden


MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1900 - 1901

Councillor William G Chubb


MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1899 - 1900

Councillor Robert Marston 


MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1898 - 1899

Councillor Gaius Smith


Mayor of Ludlow 1896 - 1898

Councillor Thomas H Atheden

Bank Manager

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1893 - 1895

Councillor Thomas Roberts

Director of Clee Hill Granite Company

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1892 - 1893

Councillor William C Tyrrell

Mayor of Ludlow 1891 - 1892

Councillor William T Besell

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1889 - 1891

Councillor John Valentine

Grocer 3-5 Broad Street

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1888 - 1889

Councillor Henry Lloyd

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1887 - 1888

Councillor Thomas Morris

Photo Credit: Barry Jennings

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1886 - 1887

Councillor Henry T Weyman

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1884 - 1886

Councillor Joe E Brooks

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1883 - 1884

Councillor Thomas Sheppard

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1882 - 1883

Councillor John Crosse

Founder of the Ludlow Advertiser at 18 King St 

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1881 - 1882

Councillor John Valentine

Mayor of Ludlow 1879 - 1881

Councillor Thomas Roberts

Director of Clee Hill Granite Company

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1878 - 1879

Councillor Heber Rickards

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1877 - 1878

Councillor Ernest J Davies

Mayor of Ludlow 1876 - 1877

Councillor Heber Rickards

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1875 - 1876

Councillor William T Bessill

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1874 - 1875

Councillor John Adney

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1873 - 1874

Councillor Thomas Sheppard


Councillor Samuel Watkins

Photo credit: Ludlow Library & Museum Resource Centre

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1870 - 1872

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1869 - 1870

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1868 - 1869

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1867 - 1868

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1866 - 1867

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1865 - 1866

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1864 - 1865

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1863 - 1864

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1862 - 1863

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1861 - 1862

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1860 - 1861

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1858 - 1860

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1857 - 1858

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1856 - 1857

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1855 - 1856

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1853 - 1855

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1852 - 1853

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1851 - 1852

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1850 - 1851

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1849 - 1850

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1848 - 1849

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1847 - 1848

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1846 - 1847

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1845 - 1846

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1844 - 1845

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1843 - 1844

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1842 - 1843

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1841 - 1842

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1840 - 1841

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1839 - 1840

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1838 - 1839

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1837 - 1838

MAYOR OF LUDLOW 1835 - 1837


The Council welcomes any further information on Past Mayors, including photographs.