Your Council
Your most local and accessible tier of government.
The Services Committee over sees the following functions; the management, control, maintenance and development of all playing fields, sports grounds, open spaces, play areas, skate parks and other leisure, recreational facilities, Markets, Cemetery and closed churchyards, allotments, public seating and bus shelters, flowerbeds, tubs, troughs, fence railing planters and any other areas held by the Council on lease or licence. Implementation of a recreational strategy for the town, promotion of the provision of community buildings, recommending fees and charges to Policy & Finance Committee, consideration of any Tenders to be submitted for ground works and ground maintenance.
The Committees full Terms of Reference can be viewed in the Link below.
8th January | Agenda | Minutes |
19th February | Agenda | Minutes |
2nd April | Agenda | Minutes |
11th June | Agenda | Minutes |
Your most local and accessible tier of government.
Historic outdoor market in the heart of Ludlow town centre.
Ludlow Museum at the Buttercross SY8 1AW, worth a visit for tourists and locals a like.
Throughout the year Ludlow hosts many diverse events in and around the town centre.