Your Council
Your most local and accessible tier of government.
The Representational Committee's duties include all planning functions of the Town Council and in particular to make representations to both Shropshire Council and Appeals Inspectorate as appropriate and exercise the powers conferred under the Town and Country Planning Acts and the Orders and Regulations made under them. This encompasses commenting on planning applications, consultations, planning policy documents, developments outside of the town which may effect Ludlow, tree works and preservation orders, road schemes for new or existing highways, transportation matters, Town and Contries Planning Acts, infrastructure, conservation matters and work with neighbouring parishes on these matters. The Committee is also responsible for awarding Project Support Grants of up to £300 to local groups and organsiations throughout the year.
Ludlow Town Council acts as a consultatory body to Shropshire Council on planning matters, Shropshire Council remains the planning authority, all current planning applications are available to view online via Shropshire Council's Online Planning Register.
The Committees full Terms of Reference can be viewed in the link below.
9th January | Agenda | Minutes |
6th February | Agenda | Minutes |
5th March | Agenda | Minutes |
9th April | Agenda | Minutes |
7th May | Agenda | Minutes |
4th June | Agenda | Minutes |
2nd July | Agenda | Minutes |
30th July | Agenda | Minutes |
27th August | Agenda | Minutes |
24th September | Agenda | Minutes |
22nd October | Agenda | Minutes |
19th November | Agenda | Minutes |
17th December | Agenda | Minutes |
Your most local and accessible tier of government.
Historic outdoor market in the heart of Ludlow town centre.
Ludlow Museum at the Buttercross SY8 1AW, worth a visit for tourists and locals a like.
Throughout the year Ludlow hosts many diverse events in and around the town centre.